ORCID Consortium

What is ORCID?

ORCID® provides a unique persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers and a record that supports automatic links among all professional activities. The ORCID iD and connections are stored in the ORCID Registry, in an account the researcher owns and manages.

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, including the organizations that support the research ecosystem. ORCID’s name was formed from the acronym Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier”.

The ORCID vision is of a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions and affiliations across time, disciplines, and borders.

The Irish ORCID Consortium


ORCID consortia foster communities of practice that apply ORCID services and resources in regional and national contexts, using global implementation standards. The Irish ORCID consortium is part of a co-ordinated approach to the adoption and integration of ORCID in Ireland, directed by the Higher Education Authority. IReL is the lead organisation for the Irish ORCID consortium with Bridie O’Neill currently managing community and technical support for consortium members. The strategic agenda for the consortium is set by the Irish ORCID Steering Group.

Consortium membership is open to higher education, non-profit organizations, and government research and funding agencies located and organized under the laws of Ireland. Consortia membership is the premium level of membership and includes the following benefits:

  • 5 ORCID premium member API credentials;
  • the ability to read/write to the profiles of researchers (with permission);
  • on-demand analytics reports with personalised statistics from ORCID ensuring more complete reporting of research outputs;
  • access to the ORCID Affiliation Manager to add and update affiliation data;
  • dedicated technical and community support.  

To request a quote and become a member, contact bridie.oneill@mu.ie.

ORCID Consortium Members

The Irish ORCID consortium currently comprises 20 members from the higher education and funding sectors. They are:

  • Atlantic Technological University Ireland
  • Dublin City University
  • Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Health Research Board
  • Health Service Executive
  • Higher Education Authority
  • Mary Immaculate College
  • Maynooth University
  • Munster Technological University
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • Science Foundation Ireland
  • South East Technological University
  • Teagasc
  • Technological University Dublin
  • Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS)
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Galway
  • University of Limerick

ORCID Integrations in Ireland


Resources & Best Practices

ORCID for Researchers: https://info.orcid.org/researchers/ 

Best practice for research organisations: https://orcid.org/content/best-practices-research-organizations

Best practice for funding organisations: https://orcid.org/content/orcid-funding-organizations

Irish ORCID Consortium Shared Outreach Documentation Hub: https://irel.local/orcid-outreach-hub/

Frequently asked questions about ORCID: https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/categories/360000663174

To access your ORCID record please visit the ORCID registry at: https://orcid.org/login

How to find researchers at your organisation (without an integration): https://irel.local/how-to-find-researchers-without-an-integration/

ORCID & Vendor/Open-Source Systems (integration documentation): https://irel.local/orcid-and-vendor-system

Getting Started with Your Custom ORCID Member API Integration: https://members.orcid.org/api/getting-started

Research Institutions → Enabling institutional sign-in for your researchers to their ORCID accounts: https://irel.local/orcid-institutional-sign-in/

Irish ORCID Consortium Events: https://irel.local/irish-orcid-consortium-events/


Technical, administrative and community support is available from Bridie O’Neill – by email, phone or by video call.

Email: bridie.oneill@mu.ie

Our Consortium Lead service commitments are detailed below:




Providing administrative support to the Consortium

  • Manage the ORCID licensing agreement and renewal of the agreement annually on behalf of the consortium members
  • Manage the annual billing cycle for the collection of fees from members and the payment of licensing fees (Member Fee) and leader fees (Consortium Lead Fee)
  • Obtain, maintain, and share with ORCID, accurate contact details for consortium members, including voting contacts
  • Provide regular updates to ORCID and the Irish ORCID Steering Group; and coordinate and provide secretariat support to the Steering Group.

Manage and support the on-boarding of Consortium members

  • Act as the primary contact between ORCID and the members for all membership enquiries
  • Manage the membership process for joining the consortium as outlined in the consortium license agreement
  • Provide relevant resources to assist new members

Provide central community support contact for all members

  • Catalyse ORCID adoption among consortium members, ensuring that they understand why and how to make the most of ORCID tools and services:
    • Engage with members collectively and individually to understand, help prioritize, and support their integration plans
  • Provide an online interface to the consortium support desk:
    • Be available to respond to support requests all days of the working week
    • Manage the resolution of basic (Tier 1) technical support incidents
    • Manage the escalation of Tier 2 and 3 support incidents with ORCID
  • Provide guidance aligned with ORCID standards and requirements:
    • Engage with ORCID to ensure that member ORCID integrations are in accordance with ORCID guidance and stated good-practice
    • Actively promote and support compliance with ORCID’s Collect & Connect program, including carrying out initial C&C reviews of member integrations
  • Provide technical feedback to ORCID:
    • Act as liaison between the consortium member community and the ORCID organization, ensuring that members’ technical interests are represented and that feedback is provided via appropriate channels to fuel improvement and innovation
    • Manage the consortium issues register
    • Execute the consortium escalation process
  • Ensure members are kept up to date with ORCID technical and community developments, such as new functionality, API upgrades, new resources, etc.
  • Provide technical feedback to ORCID:
    • Act as liaison between the consortium member community and the ORCID organization, ensuring that members’ technical interests are represented and that feedback is provided via appropriate channels to fuel improvement and innovation
    • Manage the consortium issues register
    • Execute the consortium escalation process
    • Ensure all consortium member lead contacts have ORCID iDs to use self-service functionality

Maintain consortium documentation and technical documentation repositories

  • Provide relevant local online web resources to the members:
    • Resources to assist members with integration
    • Documentation, online resources and collaboration tools for members

Develop and maintain communication and engagement resources

  • Develop consortium specific communication resources, and/or contribute to/adapt resources that are developed by ORCID and (as appropriate) other consortia:
    • To educate members about ORCID and the services that are available
    • To inform members about integration options
    • To promote ORCID to member organizations and researchers

ORCID Consortium News