Following the launch last week of the new MicroCreds project by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney, IReL is offering training for course administrators who would like to learn more about using ORCID to publicly acknowledge individuals’ completion of MicroCreds courses.
ORCID iDs are free, unique, persistent identifiers (PIDs) for individuals, to uniquely identify them as use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. ORCID iDs are associated with ORCID records, which provide metadata about employment, education and research activity to make that identifier meaningful. These records can be populated by the individual, or by trusted organisations which are given permission by the individual to populate their records. Records with visibility settings marked to “everyone” become part of the public open scholarly metadata ecosystem (like DataCite, Crossref, Unpaywall), and are available to read on the website, and to be automatically imported into systems for use in reporting, or prefilling application forms, to save individuals and administrators time and effort. ORCID consortium member organisations have access to an ORCID tool called the Affiliation Manager, which allows administrators of the member organisation to write affiliations to ORCID records using a very simple csv and mail-merge based process. One such affiliation is “qualification”, which is applicable to the MicroCred courses. Using the ORCID Affiliation Manager for this purpose is a great opportunity to publicly evidence uptake of these MicroCred courses within public open scholarly metadata. IReL, as Irish ORCID Consortium Lead organisation, are running two public webinars to outline the process for consortium member organisation administrators to use the ORCID Affiliation Manager to write MicroCreds course details to the records of individuals who have completed them.
Registration details:
Monday 31st July, 11am-12noon:
Monday 28th August, 2pm-3pm:
The webinars will be recorded and distributed to registrants afterwards.
For more information:
Irish ORCID Consortium: https://irel.local/orcid-consortium/